Welcome to my blog.

The opinions expressed here are not set in stone. I can, and often have, changed my mind on things when its been warranted by the facts. I encourage civilized dialog, even when we disagree, however, if all you want to do is flame go somewhere else because I'm just not interested.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I called Steve Ogden's office today.

I called to register my objection to the bill requiring women seeking an abortion to view an ultrasound of the fetus.  My objection, I think, is based on solid conservative grounds.  The principle upon which I base my objection is: "The government has no business trying to regulate the moral behavior of individuals where there is no legitimate state interest."  What State interest is at issue here, other than pandering to anti-abortion zealots?  The point is, this bill is purely political with absolutely no practical value with regard to State business.  Government should not be in the business of pandering to special interests, whether they are right-to-lifers or contractors, or doctors, or lawyers, or Indian chiefs.  Government should be concerned only with the interests of it's constituency and then only within constitutional limits. The bill at issue here is well outside the legitimate purview  of government IMO.

Certainly, people have a right to an opinion and a right to express that opinion even to the point of trying to win others over to that view.  Our first amendment recognizes that right.  However, we step over the line when we use government to require people to behave a certain way under penalty of law unless there is a compelling state interest at stake.

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